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Solar Renewable Energy

2021-03-02 20:06:11 admin 105

Solar energy is the term used for the heat and light which the sunlight contains. Sunlight reaches to earth in the form of photons. Photons are energy packets that contain light in them. Solar energy is considered a renewable energy source because it does not destroy our ecosystem and is present naturally in the environment.

solar renewable energy


The Uniqueness of  Renewable Solar Energy

Solar renewable energy has an edge over all other renewable energy sources. This competitive edge is because of the abundance and availability of this natural resource. Other renewable energy sources like wind, rain, and biofuels have many constraints. For example, wind is either weather-specific or it is limited to coastal regions, Rainfall varies from region to region. While sun is everywhere and it is a free resource. No one can stop sunlight to travel its way to earth, because this energy source is not the property of any state or person. Another attribute that makes it desirable to use is that it is available both in developed and underdeveloped countries of the world in equal intensity. There is no licensing and constraints to use it. Moreover, there are no production tools or strategies required to avail of this abundant natural resource.


How to generate electricity from Solar power?

Solar power is the form of energy that helps in the generation of electricity from the sunrays. There are many methods to generate electric current using sunlight but the most common methods are photovoltaic and concentrated solar power. Photovoltaic contains an array of solar cells which are pressed in solar panels. These solar panels are protected and framed by a glass sheet. This sheet does not allow any impurities to pass in. hence only sun rays can make their way in. These solar panels are made up of conductive materials like impure silicon and copper indium mostly. These conductors help and support the flow of electrons, thus the heat present on the solar panels is able to generate direct electric current. This electric current cannot support the electrical devices. Therefore it is converted to an alternative current by using an inverter and battery. Photovoltaic energy is growing rapidly and it is so far the only rapidly progressing renewable energy technology. Concentrating solar power systems work on the principle of converging the sunlight from many kilometers to a single focal point. The concentrated energy stored in this form is converted to thermal energy which is utilized to support photovoltaic then. The solar energy stored by CSP is also helpful in running steam turbines.


Solar renewable energy is considered the most environmentally friendly for cooking purposes. In the rural or poor areas where there is an abundance of sunlight and forests solar cookers have been introduced. This overture will prevent the process of deforestation and the smoke resulting from burning wood. This renewable energy source is used to provide heating and cooling space facilities. Also, this precious energy is a safe substitute for electric lights. The installation of solar street lights can save useful electricity in light and can help us to lower utility bills. Therefore the applications of solar energy are unlimited now solar energy is supporting military operations. It is providing portable power systems to travelers. It is used to run wind turbines, steam turbines hence reducing the pollution effect. Solar energy is used as passive and active energy forms for ventilation to heating water collectors respectively. Solar energy is the safest energy source which has no side effects on human health whether it is used to generate electricity or cooking food. Active and solar heating processes are both renewable energy sources because both work on utilizing natural resource sunlight.


Recommendation for solar power use
The awareness about the uses of renewable energy sources has helped mankind to reduce dependence upon fuels and methods which pollute our environment. The use of sunlight and wind as constant and beneficial energy sources can also help us conserve energy. In order to make your home more energy-friendly, Use high-performance windows, insulated materials in rooftops, and use equipment that consumes less electricity. Always try to turn off the lights when you leave a room or any living space. Moreover, draw some attention towards your heating and cooling systems. The loss of energy from these sources is due to the leakage of air from doors and windows. Caulk is an inexpensive material that can help seal your windows and door hence increasing the efficacy and capacity of your current systems. Thus home renewable energies provide very different and unique ways to not conserve electricity and heat but also to cook and heat food. The use of renewable energy resources can be increased by looking for solar companies with quality solar home systems that can be used in the household.