
  • Benefits of solar installation plan

    In a sporadically developing world, the demand for electricity to undergo our daily tasks is at an all-time.Because of the peculiar nature of the electricity supply in Nigeria, citizens are particular

    2021/04/28 admin 224

  • Why alternative energy is important - (renewable energy)

    Fossil-based fuels (oil, coal, and natural gas) currently provide about 85% of all energy use both in Nigeria and worldwide. We all know that these resources are being constantly depleted and can'

    2021/04/14 admin 150

  • Solar power for your homes

    Many Nigerians are yet to appreciate that harsh steps are needed to conserve energy and lower their energy costs, but they are willing to go only just so far in changing their lifestyles to bring abou

    2021/04/14 admin 104

  • Consider these factors before switching to solar power in Nigeria.

    As the popularity of solar power grows and spread like wild fire in Nigeria, there are still some factors to consider before switching from grid power source to solar power in Nigeria. As you will agr

    2021/04/09 Timothy 321

  • Solar power and Global warming

    There are so many assertions from people stating that global warming is a myth, some say the planet is actually getting colder, and still others assert that global warming is part of a natural cycle a

    2021/04/07 admin 112

  • What is Kilowatt-hour in a solar power system.

    The most frequent question asked by people to know the difference between off-grid solar power systems is the kilowatt rating of the system. Most people know what it is, but do not fully know what it means and how it impacts their power usage.

    2021/03/26 admin 245

  • Does inflation affect solar power in Nigeria?

    After almost double increment of inflation index in Nigeria, in 2017. The amount of money used to buy just small products and services skyrocketed. We prayed and hoped not to see another one. Well, i

    2021/03/22 admin 122

  • Best solar panel For Your Home

    Expensive solar panel systems are now a thing of the past. Don't be fooled into spending thousands of your hard-earned Naira on a system when you can buy a kit set or get your own solar panels for mere hundreds of Naira. Catchy right!. The best solar panels for your home will always be the most cost-effective option. The main reason for the rise in cheap solar panels is because domestic solar panels are now being sold directly to the public. Formerly, the manufacturers only sold their best solar panels through licensed installers. The franchisees had the market cornered and could basically charge whatever they wanted, hence the exorbitant rip-off prices people have been paying.

    2021/03/22 admin 218